You may not care much about credit card rewards or think you spend enough to justify using them, but the truth is most people could benefit from a really solid rewards card. Even if you just spend money on groceries and other basics each month – and actually, especially if you buy a lot of groceries, you could rack up a ton of easy cash back in a hurry.
The best rewards credit cards for groceries let you earn anywhere from 1% to 6% back for every dollar you spend up to a certain limit, and many don’t even charge an annual fee. Unlike rewards based on travel spending or other hit-or-miss categories, we all buy food year-round — so you have little to lose by signing up for one of these cards, using it to buy your groceries, and paying it off every month before interest accrues.
The Four Best Rewards Cards for Grocery Shopping
Want to see how much you can earn? Check out these top cards for grocery spending and compare them to your average food bill. What you could be earning might surprise you.
Chase Freedom®
If you’re looking for a no-fee grocery card, the Chase Freedom® card is where it’s at. With this card, you’ll earn one point per dollar spent on all purchases, and 5 points per dollar on your first $1,500 spent in categories that rotate every quarter. Best of all, this year’s 5x bonus categories include grocery spending from April through June. By signing up for the card now, you could earn 5% back on your grocery spending until mid-summer.
With the average American family of four spending roughly $700 to $1,000 a month on groceries, you could easily end up hitting the quarterly $1,500 cap on bonus spending in just two months — and that’s a cool 7,500 in points, worth $75. It may not be a lot, but it’s free money! Here are a few of this card’s benefits you should know about:
Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express
Another awesome grocery card is the Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express. With this card, you’ll earn an amazing six points per dollar on your first $6,000 in grocery spending each year. If you max that out, that’s a $360 benefit! In addition, you’ll get three points per dollar at gas stations and department stores and one point per dollar on all other purchases.
While this card does charge a $75 annual fee, it offers a $150 signup bonus after you spend just $1,000 on your card within 90 days. And if you spend a ton on groceries anyway, the fee is well worth it. A family of four spending $1,000 a month on groceries would earn $360 back on their first $6,000 spent at the grocery store, plus another $60 on the rest of their annual grocery spending. That’s more than $300 in rewards, even after the annual fee, on grocery shopping alone — not to mention the additional money back earned on gas and department store purchases.
Blue Cash Everyday® Card from American Express
The Blue Cash Everyday® Card from American Express is a no-fee rewards card that is truly ideal for grocery spending. With this card, you’ll earn three points per dollar on your first $6,000 in grocery spending each year, two points per buck spent at gas stations and select department stores, and one point on all other purchases. Plus, there’s a signup bonus.
You can redeem your points as a statement credit, and use them to purchase more groceries – or anything else your heart desires. Best of all, this card will never charge an annual fee. More details to consider:
BankAmericard Cash Rewards™ Credit Card
The BankAmericard Cash Rewards™ Credit Card is another card with easy-to-earn rewards on grocery spending, a healthy signup bonus, and no annual fee. By signing up, you’ll earn two points per dollar at grocery stores and three points per dollar at gas stations — on up to $1,500 in purchases each quarter — plus one point per dollar on all other purchases.
You can redeem your points for cash back in the form of statement credits, and there is no need to keep track of rotating bonus categories. Here are some more details to know before you sign up:
The Bottom Line
While not everyone is interested in credit card rewards, everyone has to buy food. And if you’re spending a bundle at the grocery store each month anyway, why not earn some cash back in the process?
The best cash back cards for grocery stores make the process easy, offer a ton of rewards, and don’t charge fees or make you jump through a bunch of hoops. As long as you pay your bill in its entirety each month so you never pay interest on your purchases, this is the closest thing to “free money” you’ll ever find.
What’s your favorite credit card to use at the grocery store? Why?
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- Six Simple Changes to Your Grocery Routine That Can Save You a Lot of Money
- We Gave Eight Households $100 to Spend at the Grocery Store
- Best Rewards Credit Cards
The post Four Best Credit Cards to Take to the Grocery Store appeared first on The Simple Dollar.
Source The Simple Dollar The Simple Dollar
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