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الثلاثاء، 1 نوفمبر 2016

Sharing is Caring: Noosa Will Help You Give Your Friends Free Yogurt

Ever wondered when yogurt got so fancy? Me too.

My biggest battle used to be choosing a flavor. Now? Greek, Icelandic, strained, whipped — I don’t even know anymore.

And tasty, trendy yogurt isn’t cheap.

That’s why I asked all my friends to send me free yogurt.

Don’t believe me?

It’s real. Noosa is giving away free yogurt. (Or, “yoghurt,” as the Australia-inspired company calls it.)

Send Your Mate a Free Noosa

Noosa wants you to share with a friend. The best part? You can do it right from your computer.

Visit Noosa’s Best Mates site and choose a friend.

Next, pick a reason this friend deserves free yogurt. Options include “They have amazing hair,” “They make you laugh,” and “They’re so much fun.” No head-scratchers here.

Finally, send an animated greeting (they’re super cute!) to your friend via email.

When your friend receives their Noosa greeting, they’ll be prompted to submit their mailing address to receive a coupon for a free Noosa flavor. We’re not sure of any size restrictions on your freebie, since we’re still waiting by the mailbox for our own coupons.

An 8-ounce package of Noosa yogurt typically costs about $2.50. A pack of four 4-ounce cups will run you about $5.

You can expect to receive your coupon in approximately four weeks.

Even More Savings

Noosa has another way to save hidden on its website!

Scroll down and click on “Coupons” at the bottom of the homepage, then enter your email address to access a coupon for 55 cents off a tub or pack of Noosa yogurt.

Print the coupon and go!

Your Turn: Do you love yogurt? How do you save when it’s on your grocery list?

Lisa Rowan is a writer and producer at The Penny Hoarder. Fruit-on-the-bottom is one of her greatest enemies. Yuck.

The post Sharing is Caring: Noosa Will Help You Give Your Friends Free Yogurt appeared first on The Penny Hoarder.

source The Penny Hoarder

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